Rang in the celebration of my birth pretty uneventfully. My mom came into town so that was a highlight, especially since my aforementioned loving spouse WORKED all weekend. That was a big bummer. He's SO lucky I had someone around to entertain me, otherwise I would have been all up in his grill about it. I am a firm believer in the Birthday Weekend. To do it proper justice you must make your actual birthday and the following weekend as fun-packed as possible. This year was filled with shopping, lunching and drinking. And my friends Sarah and Ginny had me over for margaritas and Wii (provided by me...which was my gift from Chris this year...his time away wasn't a total bust after all).
Holy cow do I totally dig the Wii! Although, I have to say it's pretty sad that after playing it for a few hours I was sore the next day. But I joined a gym, so that shouldn't happen so much anymore. There's only one catch...it doesn't open until October. Like I told my friend, Steph, there's nothing like making a kind of commitment to maybe workout sometime in the future! Story of my life. Never mind I could just go walking for free out my front door. No, I need a gym and THEN I'll be ready to go...(hey Jeneane, whatever happened to those workout videos you bought that you could 'dance' the weight off to?)
At the pinnacle of fitness...that's me (*cough*).