Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bless this Mess

Here are some pics of the house as we undergo construction:

#1 is where the wall will go
#2 is the room immediately adjacent to the new storage room (our Media Room - love the paint swatches?)
#3 is what you see from the kitchen...the front door is directly left of the mess

The hubby likes to call this "Warehouse Chic". I'm going with that.

Tales from the Cripp(le)

So there I was...walking across the street to meet my husband for the evening commute home when WHAM!, I sprain my ankle. Just like that, with no warning, I'm turned into a hobbling mess. All because I was wearing my Danskos. These are great shoes, but they are certainly NOT for those of weak ankle (think of it as wearing narrow mini-platforms that tend to topple at the very hint of an uneven surface).

And I should know, because I have been spraining my ankle like it was an Olympic sport since I was a wee lass. I kid you not - we're talking too many to count and I don't know how many trips to the emergency room. You should see my closet; it's a veritable wasteland of ankle-healing paraphernalia: crutches, air casts, Ace bandages, cold compresses, pain meds, you name it I've got it.

For those who know me, this latest injury should come at really NO surprise. Ah, but therein lies the rub. You see, I've always sprained my right ankle and last night the unthinkable happened. I sprained my LEFT ankle - the one ankle I've been able to count on all these years to bear the weight so Righty McSprainerton could get better. I guess ol' Lefty had finally had enough and decided to teach me a lesson. Well played, Lefty, well played...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Decided to Give it a go after all...

...wow, almost a whole year without a new post. That's gotta be a record.

Well, here goes nothing:

- I've been happily married for over a year now (aw yeah baby)
- A good friend, Jessica, is finally getting herself hitched this September (yay!)
- Another good friend, Rachael, is having her first child this year (double yay!)
- My best friend, Tammy, celebrates 6 years of wedded bliss this March (woo hoo!)

In other goings on, my house is a shambles at the moment. We are converting an open space in the basement to a storage room so we have exposed studs and ripped up carpet. All the stuff that we HAVE been storing in that space is now all over the house...and I mean ALL OVER the HOUSE. Not only do we have stuff we've 'pack-ratted' (yay, I just coined a verb!) over the years, but we inherited all sorts of holiday decor, power tools, etc from my in-laws. Oh yeah, and the stuff we were storing over at my mom's is all finally back at our place, too, because she just sold her place and the movers are packing her life up so we had no choice but to take ours back. We donated an entire Jeep Liberty full of stuff to the Salvation Army and still managed to walk away keeping 1.5 Jeep Liberty's worth of crap.

I call my husband a 'squirrel' for a reason, but even I will be amazed to see him put it all back in that tiny space we'll be calling our storage room. Oh, and did I mention it will also serve as my craft room? Riiiight. Good luck with that, Nean.

So there you have it: my current status in a nutshell.